The AVS is automatically populated with data from CPRS and includes the following features:
● AVS is a a web-based interface launched from the CPRS Tools menu
● Provides a summary of the visit, including diagnoses, vitals, new orders, upcoming appointments, provider comments/instructions, as well as information pertaining to the patient's ongoing care, including the primary care provider, allergies, and the patient's medication list.
● Encounters over last 60 days are available, with most recent encounter auto-selected.
● Integration with Clinical Context Object Workgroup (CCOW) for synchronization of patient context switching with CPRS.
● Auto-refresh every 3 minutes (a refresh button is available for when additional orders are placed in CPRS in order to update the AVS manually).
● AVS may be printed to a Windows printer as well as to a network printer.
● A stub note may be automatically created in CPRS indicating that an AVS was provided to the patient.
● AVS is automatically uploaded as a PDF document to VistA Imaging when the AVS is first printed.
● Provider may add free-text instructions for the patient.
● Provider may edit the AVS and add/modify/delete content.
● Option to include lab results and graphs of labs and vitals.
● Sections of the AVS may be toggled on or off.
● Support for multiple languages.
● Option for provider to lock the AVS to allow other users to view but not change content.
● Integration with Krames-on-Demand (automatic look up of relevant patient education handouts based on provider-entered ICD-codes, search of the Krame’s library, and patient education handout printing directly from the AVS).
● Translation engine that allows for replacing orders and locations with patient-friendly text.
● Option to include clinical services information (service name, location, phone, hours of operation) in printouts.
● Customizable header and footer.
● Customizable disclaimers for facility, clinic, and provider.
● AVS patient print-out includes
o Clinic visit information (Clinic location, provider, date, time)
o Diagnoses (from the completed CPRS encounter form)
o Vitals signs from the clinic visit
o New orders from the clinic visit (consultations, lab tests, medications, including new orders, changes, and renewals, imaging, and text orders)
o Upcoming appointments (local and remote)
o Free text Instructions
o Primary care provider and team
o Allergies/adverse reactions (local and remote)
o Updated medication list (local and remote)
o Patient education handouts
o Lab results
o Selected data graphing
o Optional patient info (demographics, smoking status, preferred language)
o Optional clinical services information
AVS is:
● Patient-friendly
o Enhances patient-centered, outpatient care by improving communication
● Provider -friendly
o Automatically imports visit information, diagnoses, orders, allergies/adverse reactions, appointments and medications
o Provides free-text entry and integration with Krames-on-Demand patient education