AVS Installation and Configuration
1. Create a VistaLink Connector Proxy User Account
AVS accesses VistA through the VistaLink application programming interface (API). This is a nationally developed library that allows software applications to interface with VistA through remote procedure calls (RPCs). In order to utilize the VistaLink API, you must set up a connector proxy user in your VistA system. This can be done by using the Foundations Management menu option in VistA (see the example below). Give your account a name between 3 and 35 characters (suggested name: “CONNECTOR, {VAMC}”, where {VAMC} is the abbreviation for your facility, e.g. LOM). You will need to provide the AVS server administrator with the access and verify codes of the connector proxy user account along with the VistaLink server IP and port number (see Welcome page under Introduction section for contact information).
Please see the VistaLink Systems Management Guide, section 8.6 titled “Creating Connector Proxy Users for J2EE Systems” for more information on how to create a connector proxy user in your VistA system.
2. Create a TIU note title (for note auto-generation) and provide IEN.
The Title TIU note is used by AVS for automated stub note creation and VistA Imaging uploads. The note title IEN must be provided to the AVS administrator (see Welcome page under Introduction section for contact information).
3. Install KIDS file for creation of application proxy.
The KIDS file creates an application proxy which allows the AVS to call certain Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) without the need for a VistA service account.
Note: This step is not yet required. In lieu of the application proxy, please create a VistA service account with access to the OR CPRS GUI CHART and DVBA CAPRI GUI menu options and provide the DUZ to the AVS server administrator.
4. Install Windows client on network share accessible to all CPRS users.
The Windows client provides CCOW support for the AVS for automatic patient-context switching in sync with CPRS. The client can be downloaded from the following page: http://r01dvrcom14.r01.med.va.gov/avs/software
5. Set up a shortcut on the CPRS Tools menu pointing to the Windows client in Step 4.
The CPRS Tools menu shortcut should be configured as follows:
After Visit Summary={NETWORK_SHARE}\WebClient.exe title="After Visit Summary" stationNo="{STN}" userDuz="%DUZ" patientDfn="%DFN" url=http://r01dvrcom14.r01.med.va.gov/checkout/wizard/index.html
● {NETWORK_SHARE} is the path of the network folder where the Windows client is installed (step #4 above).
{STN} is the station number.
6. Create a user class called "AVS ADMINISTRATOR" and assign to users responsible for configuring AVS for the facility.
User access to the AVS Admin interface, which allows for facility-wide configuration settings, is controlled by this user class. Only users with this user class will have access to the AVS Admin interface.
7. Provide a list of CBOCs that will use the software.
Please provide the station/division # and name of each CBOC to the AVS server administrator.
8. Provide a list of health factors used for tracking patient-preferred language and smoking status.
The AVS displays the patient’s preferred language and smoking status. Provide a list of the Health Factors that are set up in your VistA system that are used to store these items. Please see below for further details on this. You'll need to provide the following to the AVS server administrator:
● Internal Entry Number (IEN) and name of each of the Health Factors associated with smoking status.
● IEN and name of each Health Factor associated with patient-preferred language.